Group emails done right
Free email forwarding and group email lists
What We Do

Group List is an email forwarding service that gives you an email address that you keep for life. We call these aliases and you can use them to protect or mask you real email address. Anything sent to your alias, is forwarded to your real email address. We also offer a group email list feature for free too. This allows you to sent out announcement to a group and control how to handle replies. We offer a paid service and power our notifications with Amazon to ensure they are low cost.
Free aliases
Average Rating
Daily Emails Sent
Paid Users
Our Values & Vision
Our Mission
Our mission is to build the world’s most simple and reliable group email platform — we make group email available to everyone who needs it. We help make it easier to send notifications and larger amounts of email to groups for a low cost. The grouplist.io domain is used for transactional email notifications, personal email hosting, group email lists, and free email forwarding (aliases).
Enhanced Privacy
There is no sign-up required so we don’t know who you are. There are no ads or tracking scripts. An email list is the easiest way to start a private discussion. Everyone can use email, it’s the most universal way to communicate on the internet. And unlike other services (Facebook, Google) your discussion is completely private and you own the content.
Transparent Technologies
We are owned by a small Canadian web company called Thexyz. Our server power is with Amazon, Liquid Web, and Rackspace Technology. Our DNS is hosted with CloudFlare and the grouplist.io is renewed at least 5 years in advance. Our technology partners allow us to provide services at much lower cost and also offer a free service.
Email security
We maintain a number of security features to ensure we are following best practices when it comes to security. GroupList maintains an A rating on Security Headers and DNSSEC enabled. We aim to provide a customizable email security solution.
Reserve your grouplist.io address for free
Sign up for free to secure an email alias or group for creating an email group list
Group Lists
Send email to any created group list or make it a discussion group.

Email aliases
Mask your real email address with an email alias to deliver messages to your Gmail inbox or existing email address.
Really easy email groups
A simple and easy-to-use email list manager.
No sign-up required
+ Details
There is no signup required to use our free services. Start to send messages to a group of people today without payment.
No powered by branding
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All sent email emails to group members contain no powered by branding or link back to GroupList. Even on our free services.
Emails delivered how you want
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Do you want to allow anyone to send to your list or just members? Should replies go to everyone or just whoever sent the original message? Include the list name the subject field of every message? Group List gives you complete control of how your list functions to, keeping you in control of who can join the group.
Remember just one email address
+ Details
With Group List you get one email address for your group. Any email sent to that address is forwarded to everyone in the mailing list. This makes it simple to contact the whole list without having to remember everyone’s email address.
If you are already using an email marketing solution, it is easy to switch to Group List. Simply export and any contact you want to add to the list with an easy import process. This includes Google contacts, Outlook contacts and more so you can send group email in Gmail.

We make it easy to run group email discussion lists
Sending a group email list can be hard. With simple and powerful tools to manage your group and intuitive screens to let anyone create a contact group list. Sending an email message to certain Outlook contacts or everyone in your address book has never been easier.